Sunday, November 23, 2008

Waiting, and editing

Well, I had no idea I'd waited so long to post to my old blog. All I can claim is electoral dysfunction, it effects the higher brain functions.

When last we met my little microfarm had gotten a shipment of 18 cute little baby ducks! They grew up into even cuter young adult ducks, then the coyotes ate 14 of them. Yeah, frustrating. We've tried to ace a few of the bastards and they replied by eating two of our turkeys (we got five, still have three). We also got 26 chickens. Luckily or us, they're smart and fast enough we still have 24 of them. Mainly we need a big pond for the ducks, or lots of expensive fencing. Well, thus far its coyotes and feral cats 16, us 0. The only good side is its us 3, possum 0. Joy's ganked three of them so far, she's quite a dead eye.

Anyway the writing goes well. Avatar's Aria is about 50% finished, and likewise I'm halfway through editing Avatar's Sonata. I have 5 test readers set up and once the primary edit is finished I'll print up some copies and mail them out!

I've had a few new ideas, but just noting them down for now. As much as I'd like to tackle something unique, it wouldn't be smart just now. Avatar is too complicated an overarching plot. I'm struggling right now with a balance between number of characters and turning into a Jordan novel. Near the end of book two I have about 20 standing common characters, with twice that many notables. Too many? LOL!

I'll try to post some more soon. Hoping to be done with this Sonata edit by the end of the week, especially since I have a five day weekend coming!


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